Tis the season for a holiday move! Whether you’re upgrading to a bigger home or downsizing to something a lot smaller, nothing’s better for a local move than a good holiday purge before or after you pack up your belongings. If you see any gently used and unwanted clothing, electronics, and toys taking up space, consider donating them to non-profits and charities nearby so you can get rid of excess clutter and give to someone in need as well.
If you need pointers as to where to donate your gently-used items this holiday season, here are nine locations that make excellent places to donate during the holidays.
Your Local Goodwill
Goodwill is usually the first and most recognizable stop. Goodwill Industries has 3,200 stores around the country and gladly accepts any gently-used clothing that’s left in good, working condition. It’s easy to donate to the Goodwill store. Simply drop off all of the belongings you wish to donate at the local Goodwill Donation Center. They also accept electronic goods and various supplies around the house you may be thinking of getting rid of. Some locations will come and pick up your clothes from your doorstep, so it’s important to call your local center to find out whether they can take your belongings off your hands for you.
Dress for Success
When you have lots of work-related, gently-used clothing to get rid of, you might want to use Dress for Success. The non-profit is an internationally-known organization dedicated to helping other ladies succeed in the workforce as well as providing professional clothing and developmental skills to help those who are in need. The organization takes almost-new and new suits, shoes, business-appropriate clothing, jewelry, and cosmetics. You’ll need to find an affiliate near your location to donate.
Local Libraries
If you’re looking to lighten the load for your move, consider donating books to a local library. Libraries will accept any and all of your local CDs, books, and DVDs in good shape, and use the proceeds of the sales to fund community activities, events, and community-based initiatives.
If you have any baby clothes lying around that you need to let go of, moving is the best time to shed all excess baby supplies and attire, especially if children have outgrown them and you aren’t expecting them to be used again. Baby2Baby is an ideal non-profit for used baby clothes because they distribute them to children’s hospitals, shelters, and more. Backpacks, beds, blankets, car seats, toys, cribs, diaper creams, high chairs, clothing, and more are all accepted by Baby2Baby and distributed to those in need.
Habitat for Humanity Restore
Donate your household goods to a nonprofit like Habitat for Humanity Restore, and you’ll see all your furniture, home accessories, appliances, and building materials go to a great cause. The organization even shows up at your doorstep to pick up items free of charge – all you have to do is call in and schedule your pick-up time before the move.
Food Banks
Food banks are the perfect point to drop off your leftover food. All your non-perishable food items can be donated to a food bank near you, and that includes rice, cereal, pasta, canned goods, etc. Any unexpired item qualifies to feed someone who is in need.
Salvation Army
Salvation Army, like Goodwill, is one of the most traditional clothing and household belonging stores. All of the proceeds from a Family Store go directly towards Adult Rehabilitation Centers funded by the Salvation Army to help folks who are suffering from addiction.
eBay Giving Works
The eBay marketplace has a feature known as Giving Works that helps people donate their belongings to charity by auctioning them off on the eBay Giving Works program. When their items do sell, they may donate a percent of the sale to a charity that they so choose.
Pickup Please
Pickup Please is a service managed by the Vietnam Veterans of America (VVA) that picks up your donations within a short 24 hours. Once they’ve collected your belongings, they sell them and donate all the funding to state, local, and national VVA programs. Anyone can schedule a quick pickup on the internet and leave their boxes labeled on the front porch. Drivers will come and conveniently pick up your donations, leaving a receipt for tax deduction behind.
The Best Movers in Dallas
For the best in moving and packing in Dallas, Element Moving helps you move from small apartments and large homes alike. We strive to be the highest-rated long distance and local moving and storage company in North Texas, covering both our residential and commercial moving clients. Our specialized services handle everything you can think of, including fine wine, pianos, antiques and more.
Be sure to contact Element Moving after you donate and receive the best value for your next move today. Tis the season for a holiday move! Whether you’re upgrading to a bigger home or downsizing to something a lot smaller, nothing’s better for a move than a good holiday purge before or after you pack up your belongings. If you see any gently used and unwanted clothing, electronics, and toys taking up space, consider donating them to non-profits and charities nearby so you can get rid of excess clutter and give to someone in need as well. If you need pointers as to where to donate your gently-used items this holiday season, here are nine locations below that make excellent places to donate during the holidays.