Spring Clean Your Way to an Easier Move
When preparing for a move, the amount of stuff you own can be overwhelming. It’s important to get rid of anything you don’t need to take with you, especially if you’re moving into a smaller space, but how do you know what to keep? What should you do with the stuff you don’t want? At Element Moving and Storage, we’re always doing the best we can to make your move a breeze. That’s why we’ve put together this guide to decluttering your belongings before moving day so you only have to take the important stuff to your new home.
Decide What Goes
When it’s time to declutter, the hardest part is usually getting started. We recommend starting with your clothes and asking yourself a few questions about any item. In the spirit of Marie Kondo – ask yourself “does this bring me joy“? Next, is it something you need?
If you haven’t used the item in the past year, you probably won’t need it. Some people have a tendency to hold onto things they don’t like, so take the time to ask if you really care about or want the item. Lastly, does it have sentimental value? Even if it isn’t useful, some items come with fond memories you just can’t bring yourself to part with, so you should keep anything that’s important to you.
Sell What You Can
If you have an abundance of unwanted books, sell them to your local used bookstore. If you’ve got too many items to count, hold a garage sale and advertise it around your neighborhood. If you’re getting rid of something valuable, sell it online for some extra cash. The money you make could help cover unexpected moving expenses in the near future.
Donate Everything Else
If you’re stuck with a handful of items that can’t be sold or weren’t snatched up at your garage sale, donate them to your local thrift store. Not only does this support and benefit local charities, it also keeps those items from ending up in landfills and harming the planet. If you think a friend might like something of yours, offer to give it to them for free or invite them over to look through what you have. Donating might be the best way to get rid of unwanted items fast while doing your part to support local businesses and charities, so go ahead and drop those items off or give them away.
Need Help Moving?
If you’re looking for help with your upcoming local move, contact Element Moving and Storage today. Our moving team can handle as much or as little of the move as you want, including packing, loading-unloading, transportation, unpacking based on your specifications and even tv installation and hanging your wall art or curtains. If there’s anything you can’t take to your new home, we offer short-term and long-term storage with 24/7 camera surveillance and supervision from local law enforcement. Call or visit our website today for a free quote on your upcoming move.