Dallas Moving Tips for our Recent Cold Weather Moves
Wow has Dallas experienced some cold weather and most of the Dallas Metro area, we’re in the middle of the snowiest winter on record. Moving during this time can be challenging. At Element Moving we have good news and bad news: the good news is, you’ll probably have your pick of movers or if you’re renting a moving truck, you shouldn’t have any problem with finding trucks available. But the bad news is, moving in winter presents its own set of challenges. Things that you might not think of before moving day arrives. So, to help you with your cold weather move, we’ve made a list of things you need to do to get ready so you’re prepared for whatever winter throws your way.
Is your new home ready for the cold weather move? Let’s make sure the real estate agent earns their commission and has your new home ready for your moving day.
Call the heating company and electric company to turn on the heat and electricity. All utilities should be setup and fully operational. During the winter the days are shorter and colder make sure there is ample light to move all your valuables.
Bring a shovel… let a kid shovel your walkway. You have made an instant friend with your neighbor. Make sure the walks and sidewalks are clear in front of your new home.
If you’re moving locally, it’s a good idea to visit your new place the day before the move in date to make sure the walkways are clear and free of ice. If needed, salt or sand the area.
Moving from another city….oh Mr. Real Estate Agent need some help… ask to see if your agent can make a call for your behalf.
Due you diligence and make sure parking areas and lanes are clear during moving day. Nothing more troubling is parked cars and trying moving your life belongings into your new place.
Out with the Old and In with the New…Prepare Your Old Home for Moving Out
Leave on a high note. Welcome the family that purchased your home obviously you have something in common. Shovel the snow so that they can avoid any hazardous conditions on the first day.
To help protect the furniture we use moving blankets to help prevent scratching and damaging your belongings. Cardboard works well on florring so that we don’t track mud or dirt into the house.
Warm the soul and your body. Have hot drinks on hand for you and your movers… Spread the cheer, non alcohol of course.
Trust the weatherman…but verify him with the internet radar. Most Smart Phones have a weather app… If you don’t have a smart phone keep the radio on.
Plan B – If a winter storm is changing your moving plans make sure your mover can reschedule your date.Make sure your auto is ready for the cold weather. Whenever someone moves they always need something and transportation is vital.
If you are interested in finding more about Element Moving and Storage’s Moving Team Call us at 888.972.2001